Caterpillars and Cannabis Seeds. Managing Infestations

Armyworms are a kind of caterpillar that can strip cannabis plants of their leaves very quickly. They are usually green or brown and have stripes on their bodies. Armyworms feed at night and can cause a lot of damage to the plant if not dealt with promptly.

Cutworms are another common caterpillar infestation in cannabis plants. These pests hide in the soil during the day and come out at night to eat the stems of young cannabis plants, causing them to droop and die. Cutworms are usually dark-colored with smooth bodies.

Tomato hornworms, while more commonly found on tomato plants, can also infest cannabis plants. These caterpillars are large and can grow up to 4 inches long. They are green with distinct markings and have a horn-like protrusion on their rear ends. If left unchecked, tomato hornworms can defoliate cannabis plants rapidly.

Budworms are caterpillars that primarily target the buds of cannabis plants. By feeding on the developing flowers, they can cause significant damage which leads to reduced yields and compromised quality. Budworms are usually small and green or brown.

Knowing these typical caterpillar infestations allows marijuana growers to act promptly against them before they cause too much harm to their crops. Quick identification coupled with appropriate pest management strategies is key for healthy marijuana farming.

When dealing with caterpillar infestations on your weed plants there are several natural methods you can use to keep these pests away from your garden. Not only do these methods work well but they’re also environmentally friendly so you won’t be harming any other living things around your area which is always good for maintaining biodiversity.

One simple method is handpicking them off by hand which is easy enough if you have a small number of infected plants but it may take some time depending on how many there actually are so be prepared for this task taking longer than expected especially if you have a large garden. You should wear gloves when doing this so that they don’t bite or sting you and then put them into a bucket of soapy water to kill them off.

Another method is introducing beneficial insects into your garden which will eat the caterpillars for you. Ladybugs, lacewings and parasitic wasps are all great choices as they love eating these pests up but there are many other types of bugs that will also do the job just fine. To attract these helpful creatures plant flowers such as marigolds, daisies and yarrow which provide nectar and pollen for them to feed on.

Neem oil is a natural pesticide that comes from the neem tree. It has insecticidal properties and can repel caterpillars. Dilute it as directed on the label and spray your plants with it, making sure to cover all surfaces, including the undersides of leaves where caterpillars often hide.

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a soil bacterium that produces proteins toxic to caterpillars. It comes in different formulations such as liquid sprays or dusts. When ingested by caterpillars, Bt disrupts their digestive system and kills them. Use Bt products according to package instructions.

Companion planting involves growing certain plants alongside cannabis that naturally repel or deter caterpillars. Mint, rosemary, sage, and thyme are some effective companion plants. These aromatic plants give off strong scents that repel not only caterpillars but also other pests. In addition, onions, garlic or chives can be planted to keep away caterpillars due to their pungent smell.

By using these natural methods you can control caterpillar infestations on your cannabis without resorting to harmful chemicals pesticides. Remember to regularly monitor your plants and take preventive measures against infestation before they become severe.

Physical barrier: Erecting a physical barrier around your cannabis garden can prevent caterpillars from reaching the plants. Cover the entire garden area including the top with fine mesh netting or screens creating an impenetrable wall for caterpillars.

Regular inspection: Inspect your cannabis plants frequently for signs of caterpillar presence or eggs laid by them. Look out for chewed leaves, droppings or silk webbing which indicate that there might be some worms around chewing up your precious greens! Early detection enables immediate action thus preventing spread.

Encourage natural enemies: Introduce predators of caterpillar into your cannabis garden; ladybugs feed on aphids while lacewings eat caterpillars. Some wasps also prey on these worms too. You can attract these beneficial insects by planting dill, fennel or yarrow as companion plants. Avoid using broad spectrum pesticides that may kill off such natural enemies.

Remove caterpillar host plants: Caterpillars lay their eggs on specific plants before moving to cannabis hence removing any potential hosts around your marijuana patch will reduce chances of them finding their way there.

Apply organic insecticides: If all else fails and you still have caterpillar problems despite taking preventive measures then consider using organic insecticide specifically targeting this pest group e.g., Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Follow instructions carefully applying only when necessary.

Garden cleanliness: Keep your cannabis garden clean by removing plant debris which can provide hiding places for caterpillars. Regularly clear fallen leaves, weeds and other organic matter that may attract or harbor these pests.

Practice crop rotation: Disrupt the life cycle of caterpillars by rotating your cannabis crops every year. This will prevent them from establishing a permanent presence in your garden. You can reduce the chances of recurring caterpillar infestations by changing where you grow cannabis plants each year.

By doing these preventive measures, you can greatly minimize the risk of caterpillar infestations in your cannabis gardens. Make sure to check on your plants frequently and act immediately if you notice any signs of caterpillar activity. This is important for the overall health and productivity of your cannabis crops.


In conclusion, dealing with caterpillars and cannabis seeds infestation is an important task for farmers. The article has given different ways through which one can control or prevent infestation effectively. Cultural, biological and chemical control methods should be used together so as to reduce damage caused by caterpillars while safeguarding marijuana plants. Moreover, it is necessary to keep a healthy growing environment, practice good sanitation and regularly monitor the plants for early detection and intervention. With appropriate management strategies in place, growers will be able to ensure that their cannabis plants remain healthy thereby maximizing yields as well as profitability.