Autoflower growing

Are you keen on growing auto-flowering cannabis plants? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of cultivating auto-flowering cannabis from start to finish. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grower, our step-by-step instructions, expert tips and valuable insights will help you increase your yields and produce top-quality buds. Discover the advantages of auto-flowering strains, find out about their unique growth characteristics and explore the best cultivation methods. Get ready for an exciting journey as we reveal the secrets to successful auto-flower growing.

Auto-flowering cannabis plants are a special type that has become popular among growers in recent years. Unlike regular marijuana plants, which need changes in light cycles to switch from vegetative stage to flowering stage, auto-flowering varieties automatically start flowering after a certain period of time regardless of the light schedule they are exposed to.

This trait is attributed to the inclusion of Cannabis ruderalis genetics into the plant’s lineage. Cannabis ruderalis is a subspecies of cannabis that originated in areas with short summers and harsh climates where it had to adapt in order to complete its life cycle within a limited time frame. Consequently, this ability to flower based on age rather than exposure was passed down through generations of auto-flowering plants.

One major advantage associated with growing auto-flowering cannabis plants is their fast growth cycle. Traditional marijuana plants often take months before they can mature but with autos it can be as little as 8-10 weeks from seedling stage up until harvest time. This quick turnaround makes them attractive for those who want multiple harvests per year.

Another benefit offered by these types of strains is their small size when fully grown; while regular weed can get very tall and require lots of space, autos tend to stay short and bushy which makes them suitable for indoor growing or stealth outdoor gardens where height may be an issue.

However, it should be noted that auto-flowering plants usually yield less compared to photoperiod counterparts. The limited time spent in vegetative stage and smaller overall stature contribute to this lower output. Nevertheless, many cannabis connoisseurs still appreciate the strong and high-quality buds produced by autos.

Knowing the distinctive features of auto-flowering cannabis plants is essential for successful cultivation. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cultivator, having this understanding will enable you to fine-tune your growing methods and tap into the full potential of these amazing plants.

When it comes to auto-flower growing, selecting the right strains is key to achieving a successful and fulfilling cultivation experience. There are so many different auto-flowering strains available on the market that it can be overwhelming trying to decide which one would be perfect for you. However, considering few important factors can help narrow down your choices and find those ideal auto-flowers for your grow.

One of the main things that should be taken into account when choosing between various auto-flower strains is their yield potential. Different types produce different amounts of buds so it’s important to consider what exactly do you need them for. If higher yields are desired then go with those known for heavy bud production while if quality matters more than quantity then look out for ones that give smaller yet more potent flowers.

Another important thing to consider is the increasing difficulty of various auto-flowering strains. If you are a beginner or have limited experience in growing cannabis, it is best to choose strains that are known for being easy to grow. Look for strains that are robust, resistant to common pests and diseases, and require minimal maintenance. On the other hand, if you are an experienced grower looking for a challenge, there are more difficult strains available that offer unique characteristics but need extra care and attention.

Every cannabis lover has their own preferences when it comes to the desired effects and flavors of the final product. Auto-flowering strains can produce a wide range of effects such as uplifting and energetic highs or calming and relaxing sensations. Take into account your personal preferences as well as what you plan on using the harvested buds for. Additionally, different strains have different flavor profiles with some having fruity notes while others may be earthy or spicy so try out those which align with your taste buds.

The amount of space available for growing and time constraints are practical considerations when choosing auto-flowering strains. Some naturally stay compact making them suitable for small indoor setups while others can get tall thus requiring more vertical space. In addition, they also have varying flowering times which usually range from 8-12 weeks. If you have limited time or specific deadlines then go for those with shorter flowering periods so as not to miss out on harvesting in good time.

It is recommended that one pays attention to genetics and breeder reputation when selecting auto-flowering strains. Reliable breeders are likely to provide stable genetics thereby resulting in predictable plant traits as well as consistent quality output. Do some research on different breeders, read reviews about them online or ask around from experienced growers who might know better sources where reliable seeds can be obtained.

Considering factors like potential yield, difficulty level of growth desired effect/flavor combination space availability/timeframe genetic background/reputation of breeder among others will enable you make an informed choice on which auto-flowering strains to grow. Remember that finding perfect matches tailored towards your preferences and growing conditions will greatly enhance the experience of cultivating these plants.

There are a number of best practices when it comes to growing autoflowers indoors that can help ensure success and maximize yield potential. Whether you are a beginner or experienced grower, following these guidelines will greatly increase your chances of achieving healthy plants with high-quality buds.

One critical factor for successful indoor cultivation of auto-flowering cannabis is providing adequate lighting. Since they have a predetermined life cycle, it is important to give them as much light as possible during each stage.

Consider using high-quality LED grow lights that emit full spectrum including blue and red wavelengths which support healthy vegetative growth and promote robust flowering. Ensure lights are positioned at an appropriate distance from the plants so as not to cause heat stress or light burn.

A controlled indoor environment is essential for growing auto-flowers. It is recommended to maintain temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) during the vegetative stage and slightly lower temperatures of 65-80°F (18-27°C) during flowering.

Also, it is important to keep the right humidity levels. During the vegetative stage, humidity levels should be around 40-70% and then reduced to 40-50% during flowering. This will help prevent mold and fungal problems while promoting healthy growth.

The soil mix you choose is very important as it will provide your autoflowers with the necessary nutrients and promote optimal root development. Use well-draining soils that allow excess water to drain away preventing root rot and other moisture-related issues.

Consider using a high-quality potting mix designed specifically for cannabis cultivation. These mixes usually contain a balanced blend of nutrients that will feed your plants throughout their life cycle. However, be careful not to overfeed your autoflowers because they are generally more prone to nutrient burn than photoperiod plants.

Nutrient schedules for autoflowers are different from those of photoperiod plants due to their shorter life cycles. It is advisable to start with a mild and balanced nutrient solution during the vegetative stage then increase its strength gradually as the plant enters into flowering.

Take note of the specific nutrient requirements of your chosen autoflower strain and adjust your feeding accordingly. Always check the pH levels of your nutrient solution regularly so as to ensure optimum nutrient uptake by the roots thus preventing any deficiencies or toxicities.

Good air circulation and ventilation are crucial in creating a healthy growing environment by preventing mold, pests, stagnant air among other problems. You can install fans within the grow space to ensure there is adequate movement of air.

You may also want to consider using an exhaust system which helps in removing stale air while bringing fresh air from outside into the grow room or tent. This will help maintain optimum carbon dioxide (CO2) levels required for photosynthesis and overall plant health.

Monitoring and adjusting environmental conditions should be done throughout all stages of growth until harvest time comes. Regularly check and maintain appropriate pH levels, temperature range, relative humidity level as well as CO2 concentration.

Always keep an eye on your plants for any signs of stress, nutrient deficiencies, pests or diseases. Adjust your growing techniques accordingly and address any problems immediately to ensure the best outcome for your autoflower plants.

When growing autoflowering plants outdoors, there are some important tips that you should know in order to achieve a successful harvest.

Find a suitable outdoor location for your autoflowering plants. Look for an area that receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day and has good air circulation. Avoid places with too much shade or strong winds which can damage the plants.

Before planting your autoflowering seeds or seedlings, prepare the soil by loosening it with a garden fork or tiller. Remove any weeds or debris and incorporate organic matter such as compost to improve soil structure and fertility.

Autoflowering plants have a predetermined life cycle, so timing is crucial. Plan your outdoor cultivation based on the expected harvest time of your specific autoflowering strain. Consider the average climate and temperature in your region to determine the ideal planting time.

Proper watering and feeding are essential for the healthy growth of your autoflowering plants. Water them regularly, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Use a balanced fertilizer formulated for flowering plants to provide essential nutrients throughout the growing cycle.

Protect your autoflowering plants from pests and diseases by implementing preventive measures. Regularly inspect the plants for any signs of pests or diseases and take prompt action if necessary. Consider using organic pest control methods to minimize the use of chemicals.

Although autoflowering plants have a shorter life cycle, some training and pruning techniques can still be applied to maximize yield. Low-stress training (LST) or gently bending the branches can help expose more bud sites to light. Pruning unnecessary foliage can improve airflow and prevent mold or mildew issues.

Monitor the trichomes on your autoflowering plants to determine the ideal harvest time. Trichomes should be mostly cloudy with some amber for a balanced effect. Use sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears to carefully trim the mature buds. Dry and cure the harvested buds properly to enhance their flavor and potency.

By following these outdoor cultivation tips, you can enjoy a successful autoflowering plant harvest and savor the fruits of your labor.

One common mistake when growing autos is overwatering them; this is because people tend to treat them like photoperiods forgetting that they have smaller root systems due to their short life span hence require less water too which when exceeded causes root rot among other problems associated with it so always ensure that you water moderately allowing soil dry slightly before watering again.

Another mistake most beginners make is underfeeding their auto flowers thinking that they don’t need much nutrients since they are not as demanding as photoperiods but this is wrong because even though they may forgive nutrient deficiencies more easily than other types of plants still need all necessary elements for healthy growth so make sure you provide them with balanced nutrient solution following recommended feeding schedule for your strain.

Lighting is also very important when it comes to growing autos; many newbies either use low quality lights or place them too far from the plants which results into stunted growth and reduced yields therefore invest in good grow light that emits enough intensity at right distance where your plants can receive adequate amount of it throughout their life cycle.

Good airflow and ventilation are important for preventing mold, pests, and other things that can harm the health of your autoflowers. Some growers don’t use proper ventilation which results in still air and high humidity levels. Use fans and make sure there is good air circulation all over your grow space to avoid these problems.

Ignoring pH levels is a common mistake that can greatly affect the overall health as well as nutrient uptake of your autoflowers. It is important to test and adjust the pH of your water and nutrient solution so it falls within the right range for your plants. Maintaining correct pH will prevent nutrient deficiencies from occurring while maximizing growth potential in autoflowering cannabis plants.

By avoiding these mistakes, you will be able to grow healthy auto flowers successfully and have a great harvest at the end. Always do research, pay attention to what your plant needs are telling you then act accordingly. Good luck!


Autoflower growing has become one of the most popular ways people cultivate marijuana today; this method allows them achieve fast results with minimal effort put into controlling light schedules strictly. These types switch automatically from vegetative stage into flowering phase regardless of amount or duration of light they receive thus making it possible for even those who want quick turnarounds coupled with easy cultivation processes realize their dreams easily. Moreover, such strains tend be smaller in size hence can fit well indoors or any other place where space may not allow taller plants grow comfortably without being noticed by others around them. In general terms therefore; whether newbies or veterans in weed farming game – everyone should try out auto flower growing methods because they’re convenient!